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About Us

Natural Goat's Milk Soap
Natural Goat's Milk Soap
Cruelty Free
Golden Leaves


VikingShire HandMade Soaps was founded by this crafty DIY grandma, passionate about creating something wonderful from nothing at all. With a dream of becoming self-sufficient and leading a clean, natural homesteading life, I began looking for ways that I could make many everyday necessities for myself and my family.  My goal was to create these items with natural, holistic ingredients to avoid the vast amounts of chemicals and detergents that go down the drain and into our waterways.  Packaging was also a concern as I did not want to contribute to the tons of plastic waste created by traditional bath products. I chose packaging that was either biodegradable, recyclable or reusable and my little eco-friendly soap-making business was created.

I am but one part of the whole however.  We are a family of crafters and artisans, from oldest to youngest.  Daughter Amanda creates stunning works of art in textiles, crocheting anything you can imagine.  Son Kenny is the "Bob Ross" of the family with one of a kind oil paintings that will take your breath away.  Granddaughters Lindsey and Heather are budding crafters with their beautiful whimsical designs in jewelry.

Our name is very special as well.  It is a family creation born of our love of family and community.  One Sunday afternoon, as family sat discussing the many ways to make our homesteading life a reality, the topic of a name came up.  "We want to live like Vikings, strong, fearless and fiercely dedicated to family".  That's my family in a nutshell but the name 'Vikings' was already taken by some other big brutes.  My eldest granddaughter added "Well I want to live in a hobbit house and we all want to live next to each other in a little community, kind of like the shire in one of our favorite movies, so why not Viking Shire."  

And, with full agreement by all, VikingShire came to be.

VikingShire HandMade Soaps strives to give our customers a wide variety of handcrafted soaps, bath products, art and gifts, made with the love and care given to all family members. You are invited to browse the site to find just what you have been looking for, for yourself, family, friends or as gifts.  If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me.

Grandma Deb

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Pasco WA  USA

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